Who we are
Suggested text: Our website address is: https://onlinepharmacyuae.ae.
Our privacy policy includes how we use, disclose or collect your personal information. Our http://onlinepharmacyuae.ae company is licensed and working under the rules of the UAE. We use cookies on our website but it does not collect your sensitive information, so you need to accept everything. The following Privacy Policy is applied at http://onlinepharmacyuae.ae.
• We are committed to protecting your data and information from third parties. We (onlinepharmacyuae.ae) ensure the data that is on our website is safe and secure.
• By accessing our website and submitting your personal data on our site is secure. We guarantee to protect your personal information including name, address, phone number and your order.
• After registration, we may send you emails, messages or call (if necessary) about your order.
• You need to send us your correct information while ordering the couple’s health or other products from us. We are not responsible in cases of incorrect information.
• We collect your information only for the purpose of placing your order. Also, it is also used to improve our website functionality and customer satisfaction (in the case of shopping in the future).
• Onlinepharmacyuae.ae ensures that all the information of our customers is secure, and safe from unauthorized access and illegal use.
• We use your personal information in case of contacting you about your changing or returned product.
• We use special software to encrypt your personal data and information from a third party.
After all, we make changes to our privacy policy sometimes. So it’s your responsibility to check before ordering the products from us.